Sunday, August 2, 2009


It's been a while since anyone posted anything other that birthday wishes here. Anyway, happy belated birthday to July born and may all of you had a great birthday. Sooo, Im just going to say some random things just to make this blog more alive.

First is our trial. Dont stop reading kay. Most people prefer bad news first right? So here it is. Our trial exam is coming in 42 days. Approximately 6 weeks more. Im starting to freak out but I dont know about u guys. I have like tonnes of things to study. And my recent class bunking habit isnt helping me either. Such a bad example. Whatever. So just hope that all of us can get our best result for trial and get high TER. At least 85. As MARA wants. Let show MARA what weve got. Let us all pass to our first year degree and fly to Queensland. I just got some motivation from aunty today saying that its beautiful there. Let us work hard and later take a long look at Brisbane river and not only read it from essays Ms Ng give us. Let us make Ms Param happy and so that she will brag about us to our juniors. And email her pictures of us there. Let all 26 of us (excluding ash and ice of course cuz they'll be going somewhre else ) be able to have picnic in not-so-cold Queensland and not just the coming Langkawi trip. Ganbatte classmates!!

sooo.....I have lost words to say. This enthusiasm of flying together to tha land of the kangaroos make my idea evaporate with the enthusiastic heat.

Just for fun,

So, this is how our Math star gets so genius? (envy envy)


Miss Ina and her first cyber cake. :)) (I want one too..sobs:pp)

That is all people. For now.
Have a NICE day!!

~hugs and kisses~


dazz said...

nice post. who wrote this?

kloobnika said...

cute dear cute! i heve the second cyber cake~huhu~ let us all nail down the TER and go to Queensland~oh Queensland! (semangat nih):3

alice said...

me lah dazye. aliceh.

:)) thanx.hehe :PP

oh u kah rumate dpt 2nd cyber cake?
envy envy.

Naquia said...

thanks for the post.i like.
apparently our blog has run out things to post. :P
Cool cool.
